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原名:Kokon   又名:青春简单爱(台) / 夏日蜕变 / Cocoon

状态:正片   更新:2023-08-21 02:08:18

在波光粼粼的仲夏时节,来自克鲁兹堡的年轻诺拉有许多第一次:月经、吸食大麻、发现性欲。还有罗米。这两位年轻女子,由莉娜·乌尔赞多斯基和杰拉·哈斯扮演,令人印象深刻,温柔地接近对方。Berlin-Kreuzberg is Nora's microcosm. Nora, the silent observer, is always tagging along: At parties, at school, at the pool, on rooftops and in apartments. Nora drifts around the monotonous housing blocks with her big sister and her friends, witnessing events that seem to cross-fade in the summer light. Girls who want to be slim and pretty, boys who say dumb things to provoke or because they are in love. Ruthless smartphone cameras and fragile teenagers. But Nora has her own way of looking at the world, and when she meets Romy, she realizes why. There is music in the air, Nora's body is changing, and caterpillars are spinning their cocoons. Realistic and taking on the protagonist's perspective, this film captures a summer of change.
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