
原名:了不起的儿科医生   又名:

状态:完结   更新:2024-01-21 06:01:49

《了不起的儿科医生》讲述了新一代年轻人在“儿科医生”这个特殊岗位上成长与奋斗的故事。本剧通过一个来自丽江的女孩焦佳人以儿科为舞台、在带教老师普外副主任医师邓子昂严格而又细腻的培养下,从一名专培医生成长为一名合格儿科医生的经历,向观众展现医生,尤其是儿科医生最真实的状态。Jiao Jia Ren was saved by pediatrician Gu Li Feng as a child and followed in his footsteps as a young adult. Aware of her talent and potential, Gu Li Feng, now the director of the top children's hospital in the city, bends the rules to take her in as a registrar. Surrounded by a group of elite specialists at her new workplace, Jiao Jia Ren is no longer the cream of the crop and works extra hard to make up for the gap in skill level. Jiao Jia Ren and her colleagues Deng Ziang, Gu Jia Ren, and Wang Hang goes through many challenges. They not only have to fight the disease on the front line of the clinic, but also face various difficulties in life. They learn and mature and grow into competent specialists to protect and serve children wholeheartedly.
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