
原名:This Is the Year   又名:

状态:39播放   更新:2023-08-21 03:08:18

演员大卫·亨瑞(《少年魔法师》《老爸老妈的浪漫史》)将献出导演首秀,执导一部成长记事电影《就是今年》(This Is the Year),AMBI Group投资制作,9月阿拉巴马州开拍。讲述一个不受重视的高中生和他的朋友踏上公路之旅去参加今年最盛大的音乐节,这是他们为赢得梦中情人而做的最后努力。剧本由亨瑞和巴格·霍尔(《哈雷与戴维森》)、Pepe Portillo(《小男孩》)、Sienna Aqualini合作编写。In a last ditch effort to win over the girl of his dreams, a nerdy high school senior (Lorenzo Henrie) and his best friends embark on a road trip to see their favorite band at the biggest music festival of the year, only to discover true love in the most unexpected place. This Is The Year is a feel-good, contemporary spin on many of the classic 80's movies that resonated with that era's youth. It aims to address the issues facing teens today - speaking their language and breaking through with a story that actually means something.
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