
原名:Ms. White Light   又名:終活事務所(台)

状态:38播放   更新:2023-08-21 02:08:19

蕾克絲完全沒有與人正常交流的能力,出社會了還和爸爸住在一起。但她卻有項獨特天賦—擅長與垂死之人交心。她與爸爸經營起「臨終諮詢服務」的事業,協助臨終的人好好地面對死亡的恐懼。而當蕾克絲遇上有著自由靈魂、我行我素,對死亡看似全然無懼的癌症患者薇樂麗之後,這項工作對她人生的意義也開始漸漸改變。Ms. White Light is the story of Lex Cordova, a young woman who counsels terminally ill clients that have trouble letting go. While proving uniquely talented in her ability to connect with the dying, Lex is at a total loss when it comes to dealing with everyone else. When Valerie, a sharp-tongued free spirit who simply has no time for her own mortality, refuses to play by Lex's rules, Lex is forced to question her own decisions, and must decide if the business of dying is truly worth it...even at the cost of living her life.
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