
原名:Черный пес   又名:Black Dog / 黑色森林 / 黑狗

状态:2564播放   更新:2023-08-21 01:08:25

特种部队少校安德烈·鲁佐夫在一场战斗中消灭了一群恐怖份子,但也因此失去了所有的战友。在国外昏迷了很长一段时间后他奇迹般的活了下来。回到家乡在接受审讯后鲁佐夫开始为朋友们报仇,也因此卷入了一场国际犯罪组织策划的恐怖活动中Major Andrey Rubtsov, known as the Black Dog, commanded a special squad sent overseas to capture arms dealer Greg Brynner. The operation was successful until the betrayal led to the death of all the soldiers, except for Rubtsov, who received a severe concussion. He spent many months in a foreign country, but was able to return home. The appearance of Rubtsov becomes an unpleasant surprise for those who considered him dead.
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