
原名:平行森林   又名:

状态:正片   更新:2024-01-21 08:01:14

杜燕在车祸中失去了年幼的儿子,万念俱灰的她住在自家经济不景气的森林会所,失去了生活的动力。丈夫白岭的贴心关怀,反倒平添她的伤感。一个清晨,巡视森林的她遇到了另一个“自己”,跟随着那个人,她来到了一个平行世界的进出口并踏过了那扇门,而这也是一场噩梦的开始。在不同的空间里,她遇到了性格完全不同的丈夫、哥哥,而且每个空间的现实都不尽相同,同时,她也遭遇到了各种危险,并差点丧命。最终她得出结论,要杀掉某个空间的自己取而代之,才可以平息这一切。可善良的她终究难以下手,渐渐的,她成了游荡在平行空间中的鬼魂一样的存在,直到不经意间,她回到了看似自己原来空间的地方,而这一场梦境,似乎还未结束。Du Yan lost her young son in a car accident, and she lived in her own economic depression of the forest club, lost the power of life. Her husband Bai Ling's intimate care, but added to her sadness. One morning, while patrolling the forest, she meets another \"self\". Following him, she comes to the entrance and exit of a parallel world and steps through the door, which is the beginning of a nightmare. In different Spaces, she encounters a completely different personality of her husband, brother, and the reality of each space is not the same, at the same time, she also encountered a variety of dangers, and almost died. Eventually she came to the conclusion that the only way to put it all to rest was to kill her in her place. But kind-hearted she after all hard start, gradually, she became the existence like the ghost in the parallel space, until casual, she returned to look like the place of his original space, and this dream, it seems that has not ended.
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