
原名:风起云涌之情迷香江   又名:情迷香港 / Run for Life: Ladies from China

状态:正片   更新:2024-01-21 06:01:24

浩欲在香港闯一番事业,于是带同妻子莲及小倩来港,投靠多年好友坤,坤带浩三人见天哥,天见莲及倩姿色,欲想一箭双雕。天利用金钱引诱,小倩因贪慕虚荣,献身于天,但莲不为所动。天迫坤带莲到别墅,欲强暴莲,莲为保清白,跳楼重伤。浩见残废妻子,径与坤找天报仇,二人惨被击杀,倩孤身无助,找天对头七叔,作出最后一个牺牲,以肉体作为她报仇之代价Two sisters, Lin and Sen, and Lin's husband Ho come to Hong Kong looking for a better life. They are met by Ho's friend Kwan who works for a gangster Tian who offers them jobs in his nightclub and sauna. Sen is young and easily bored and soon takes up with Tian who offers her money and excitement. Ho falls for Sister a masseuse who works in the sauna and Lin is left wondering and unhappy. When Tian attempts to assault Lin, Ho seeks revenge but is killed along with Kwan and it is left to Sen and Sister to seek the help of a rival gangster in their revenge.
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