
原名:그놈이 그놈이다   又名:The Man is That Man / Men are Men

状态:完结   更新:2024-01-21 05:01:37

该剧是一部浪漫爱情喜剧,讲述为爱受伤因而选择“不婚”的女子,以及想把和她的错误因缘变成爱情的男子之间的爱情故事。有着“前世”这一奇幻要素,以及极其现实的“结婚”和“不婚”主题。描述年轻族群里流行的“不婚”潮流、全新定义的结婚和家庭的概念以及永恒的主题“爱”的真谛。Seo Hyun-Joo works as the leader of a webcomic planning team. She declares that she plans to remain single, but she receives confessions from two men: Hwang Ji-Woo and Park Do-Gyeom Hwang Ji-Woo is the CEO of a pharmaceutical company. He has a cold personality and excellent business ability. Park Do-Gyeom is a popular webcomic writer. He is a sociable person. He and Seo Hyun-Joo grew up like siblings, but he has held a crush on Seo Hyun-Joo for a long time.