加拿大悬疑惊悚片。Alison因父亲的谋杀案而陷入小镇风言风语的漩涡,更糟糕的是她的弟弟一年后也陷入相同境地而被警方通缉,为了洗脱弟弟的罪名,Alison独身踏上追疑道路。随着案情浮出水面,小镇深埋的秘密是会被Alison解开,还是会随Alison一同埋葬…While the notorious Keith Miller remains locked behind bars for murder, his family is paying the price of a tainted name. High in these mountains, bad blood runs deep. A year after Keith's crime, a body is found in a nearby trailer park. Keith's son, Brandon, goes missing and becomes suspect number one. His headstrong sister Alison decides to take things into her own hands and track down her brother to clear his name before the cops get to him. Can she prove her brother's innocence when all the evidence suggests otherwise? The harder she looks, the more people turn up dead. And soon Alison becomes a suspect herself. In a town tucked away between a mountain range, secrets get buried deep. And if she's not careful, she'll get buried with them...
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