
原名:红剪花   又名:Red Paper-Cut

状态:HD   更新:2024-01-21 07:01:20

孤独的残疾女孩以剪纸为伴,后天不幸导致家庭更加贫困,改变了原本充满希望的生活。她成了村子里可有可无的人,即使在家也让她无所适从。小小的纸片纾解着女孩孤独与惆怅,但是女孩剪出却是一个个人心中的希望的故事。Nuan Nuan, a nine-year-old student, is paralyzed and forced to drop out of school. No one in the village cared for her. Her parents are generally nice to her but often despise her because of her physical problem. To pass the time, she studies and practices the art of paper cut at home. Slowly, Nuan Nuan's name became familiar to everyone in the village for her craft. When a villager asked for her paper cuts, she is treated like an average person. Nuan Nuan wanted everyone to treat her as a normal person, so she practices paper cut with great effort. The director of the village was moved by Nuan Nuan's effort and said that her paper cuts would be sold to everyone in the village. She spent an entire night making paper cuts and asked her little brother to give them to every household in the village to thank them for their support. The school organized a peer support group to carry Nuan Nuan to school every day. The students said that the teacher praised Nuan Nuan's paper cuts as artwork, and will win international awards. Whoever takes the best care of Nuan Nuan now gets to carry her to the international award ceremony.
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