
原名:OL官能日記 あァ!私の中で   又名:OL官能日记 / Erotic Diary of an Office Lady

状态:正片   更新:2023-08-20 08:08:37

美丽的铃村亚佐美(小川亜佐美 饰)是供职于东京某公司的白领,她的生活波澜不惊,按时上下班,和好姐妹们闲聊家长里短。亚佐美的母亲早年去世,多年来和父亲耕平(日野道夫 饰)相依为命。24岁的她至今还未成家,耕平为了女儿的婚事分外焦急,积极为她物色对象,然亚佐美却始终不为所动。另一方面,亚佐美和公司的科长长期维持着不伦之恋,彼此纠缠不清。   公司内30岁的单身女青年泉田驹子(中島葵 饰)开放爽朗,绯闻频出,被内部人称作“公共汽车”,但她何尝不期盼一段美好的恋情。在去亚佐美家共度30岁生日时,驹子和耕平一见钟情,更到了谈婚论家的地步。这突如其来的变故,令亚佐美备感失落……At 24, Asima lives with her father and works as an office girl, watching men get promoted and having their pick of the young women in the steno pool. She appears removed from it all, but actually has a secret life she guards carefully. Her father arranges a marriage meeting with a friend who has an unmarried son. Asima may have a choice: an illicit relationship with a married boss or marriage to a dull family friend. A sidewalk vendor she meets one evening may offer something else. Does a young woman in her position have choices?
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