
原名:女他   又名:SHe

状态:HD   更新:2024-01-21 06:01:27

本片由5万8千张实拍照片组成,耗时6年,是一部表现女性题材的国产纯手工定格动画长片   在一个不允许女鞋怪物工作的男鞋世界里,因害怕女鞋怪物体内蕴藏的植物原力,新生的女鞋必须立即执行变性手术变为男鞋投入生产。   一只被关押在监狱里的高跟鞋妈妈为了不让自己即将出生的女儿被变性,逃出监狱并杀死了男鞋监狱长,她把监狱长的尸体做成一件男鞋皮囊,伪装成男鞋进入男鞋世界里工作。   一次意外暴露身份后,她遭到无尽的折磨与打击,最终发现了体内蕴藏的植物原力,于是踏上为女复仇的道路……In the authoritarian world dominated by male shoes, female high heels are forbidden to work or even exist. Newborn baby girl shoes are transformed into male shoes so that they can work in the cigarette factory. In a birth prison, a high heel mother murders the male shoe chief to protect her daughter from being transformed into a male shoe. To feed her daughter, she uses the chief's leather coat as a gender disguise and works in the cigarette factory. When her identity is exposed, she is ruthlessly ridiculed and tortured by her colleagues and superiors. Finally, she discovers her inner energy and begins an avenge in the name of her daughter.
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