
原名:流れ星   又名:Nagareboshi

状态:完结   更新:2024-01-21 05:01:12

健吾(竹野内豊饰)是个普通的水族馆员工,他原本有个幸福和睦的小家庭,最近却为了妹妹玛利亚(北乃きい饰)罹患重病而愁眉不展。除了要支付巨额的治疗费用,若不能早日找到匹配的肝脏,妹妹便有生命危险。健吾的未婚妻美奈子(板谷由夏饰)因无法承受巨大压力而离开了他。   某日,健吾无意间救下一名欲轻生的女子,该女子名为梨沙(上戸彩饰),哥哥(稻垣吾郎饰)不务正业,拖欠高利贷巨款,梨沙只好去风尘场所工作为家里还贷,不堪重负的她已经丧失了对生活的信心。   情急之下,健吾突然萌生和梨沙假结婚,再让她移植肝脏救妹妹的念头……Takenouchi plays an aquarium employee named Kengo, who seems ordinary at first glance but actually possesses a secret that he would sacrifice everything in order to protect. Meanwhile, Ueto plays Risa, a young woman working in the sex trade in order to pay off her brother's debt, though her situation has led her to contemplate suicide. These two characters, both full of despair, meet each other and end up entering a contract marriage purely for its benefits. However, as they overcome various troubles, their relationship begins turning into true love.