
原名:Immortelle   又名:

状态:10播放   更新:2023-06-03 10:06:51

电影《应莫帖》的片名来自植物「永久花」Immortelle的音译,是由温佑君老师所取。一方面暗示着爱情永在,一方面又玩弄着「应该」与「莫要」之间的诗意,展现出独特的深度。我们将芳疗事业视为文化工作,一直在寻找不同的艺术平台来呈现其内涵,而在导演大卫‧维贝克赴台北参加当代艺术馆展览期间,温老师邀请他体验肯园独创的剧场疗程,双方一拍即合,互相汲取灵感便有了这部电影产生。Experimental dance-film describing the end of a love-story. Starting at the moment of breakup we separately follow the day of the boy and the girl. Within the emptiness of uninhabited modern villa's, one in the heart of the city, one deep in the mountains of the countryside of Taiwan, both of our protagonists seem to be undergoing powerful hallucinations which express their feelings of detachment. A dance of the body, a sorrow of the mind. IMMORTELLE is a film that explores the connections between physicality and emotional longing.
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