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原名:Cuerdas   又名:

状态:74播放   更新:2023-08-18 09:08:47

一场意外夺走了妹妹,也让女孩艾琳娜四肢瘫痪,坐上轮椅。心力交瘁的她被送往僻静乡间与父亲同住。训练有素的牧羊犬阿多斯来当艾琳娜的忠实助手,饱受负疚感折磨的她却只想一个人静一静。愿望终于成真,殊不知,一种怪异病毒悄悄降临在阿多斯身上,让它一夕间性情骤变,陷入癫狂。最亲爱的朋友,却成了最骇人的梦魇!到底是恐惧作祟,还是威胁?艾琳娜无心许愿,竟一语成谶。危急关头,动弹不得、孤立无援的她要如何逃出犬口Elena is a teenage girl on troubles: resentful after the recent and accidental car crash where her sister Vera died, and quadriplegic as result of it because she was the driver, Elena and her father Miguel move to their country house to spend a few days together hoping to restore their stranded relation, specially after Miguel prevented a few weeks ago an Elena's attempt to commit suicide by pills. With her mobility limited to neck and to a slightly movements in her right arm, Elena uses a mechanized wheelchair for moving, tied to it for avoiding to fall to the ground. Unhappy with her father plans, she also despises Athos, a Belgian Shepherd trained dog to help her for opening doors, after each one in the house have a small rope on the door handle to open it easier. However, a strange smell makes Miguel open a room on the cellar, where there is a dying bat in the ground that by surprise attacks Athos, biting in the face before Miguel kills it. Wanting to end of download the package ...





