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在《萌犬好声音》的世界里,狗狗不仅学会了说话,还可以拥有动人的歌声。泰妮——一只可爱的约克夏是小主人洛最好的伙伴,也是一只热爱歌唱的狗狗,梦想在歌唱比赛的舞台上大放异彩。一场意外让她从家中走失,为了找回主人,也为了实现自己的音乐梦想,泰妮踏上了既欢乐又充满挑战的回家路。冒险的旅途中,步步惊险却又时时爆笑。在众多朋友的帮助下,泰妮看到了更广阔的世界,也收获了成长与珍贵的友情。Welcome to a world where dogs can not only talk -- they can SING! Tiny, a cute little Yorkie pup with a big voice, gets a chance to audition for the singing competition for dogs, "Pup Star." After she earns a place in the finale, she's suddenly dog-napped! But with the help of her new friend, Charlie, a retired rock-and-roller, she escapes. Together they leave on an incredible journey through some of music's most iconic cities. They meet Big Ears - a soulful Bassett Hound who teaches Tiny to belt out the blues, Murray - a spiritual shaggy dog who helps her find her inner rhythm, and Emily Rose - a country-singing shepherd who helps her learn to sing from her heart. Most important of all, they all encourage Tiny to believe in herself and never give up on her dreams! Filled with all-new songs and the biggest cast of talking and singing canines ever assembled, Pup Star is an incredible family film filled with fun, music and heart.



文件大小:1.35 GB





  • www.ibalu.com.txt(30B)
  • 萌犬好声音.pup.star.2016.720p.web.x264-strife.mp4(1.35 GB)