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原名:El topo   又名:

状态:HD   更新:2024-01-21 03:01:43

神秘莫测、枪法绝伦的独行杀手“鼹鼠”(亚历桑德罗•佐杜洛夫斯基 Alejandro Jodorowsky 饰)和他年仅7岁、赤身裸体的儿子(布朗提斯•佐杜洛夫斯基 Brontis Jodorowsky 饰)骑马漫步在墨西哥炎热的沙漠之中。他们路过一个被匪徒“上校”及其爪牙血洗过的村庄,鼹鼠按照垂死村民提供的线索一路追踪,将上校一伙一网打尽。在此之后,他将儿子留在一座寺院,带着他解救的女人继续踏上旅途。女人向鼹鼠讲述了四大高手的传说,这个好胜心切的男人向四大高手发起挑战,他凭借高超的枪法和精巧的计谋一次次得逞,却也在这一过程中若有所悟。   本片荣获1972年墨西哥金羊奖最佳摄影奖、1974年意大利阿索罗美术和美术家电影节评委会特别奖。El Topo decides to confront warrior Masters on a trans-formative desert journey he begins with his 6 year old son, who must bury his childhood totems to become a man. El Topo (the mole) claims to be God, while dressed as a gunfighter in black, riding a horse through a spiritual, mystical landscape strewn with old Western movie, and ancient Eastern religious symbols. Bandits slaughtered a village on his path, so El Topo avenges the massacred, then forcibly takes their leader's woman Mara as his. El Topo's surreal way is bloody, sexual and self-reflective, musing of his own demons, as he tries to vanquish those he encounters.
El Topo [dvdrip][spanish][AC3-5.1]

资源名:El Topo [dvdrip][spanish][AC3-5.1]


文件大小:1.33 GB


资源名:El Topo [dvdrip][spanish][AC3-5.1]


    El Topo [dvdrip][spanish][AC3-5.1][www.lokotorrents.com]

  • www.ibalu.com.txt(30B)
  • El Topo [dvdrip][spanish][AC3-5.1][www.lokotorrents.com].avi(1.33 GB)