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原名:Knocked Up   又名:

状态:正片   更新:2024-01-21 03:01:32

艾莉森(凯瑟琳•海格尔),20出头,漂亮性感,是个颇有前途的娱乐新闻记者,最近还得到老板赏识小小升职了一把。班斯通(西斯•罗根 饰),游手好闲,生活杂乱无章,成天只知道和狐朋狗友厮混。   某天晚上,春风得意的艾莉森在酒吧遇见了班斯通,二人酒后乱性,发生了一夜情。原以为酒醒之后,他们的生活就会按照以前的轨迹继续下去,谁知道艾莉森竟然怀孕了,两个自由自在生活惯了的大孩子,面临着逃避责任还是承担后果的艰难抉择。   经过一番思想斗争后,艾莉森和班斯通决定担负起为人父母的责任,把孩子生下来。他们开始像别的情侣一样,试着约会、相处,融入对方的生活,但是他们越是了解对方,对未来的生活就觉得越迷茫。即将出生的孩子,更是他们人生的一道难题……When Alison Scott is promoted in E! Television, she goes to a night-club to celebrate with her older married sister Debbie. Alison meets the pothead reckless Ben Stone and while having a small talk with Ben, Debbie's husband Pete calls her to tell that their daughter has chicken pox. Debbie leaves the place but Allison stays with Ben, drinking and dancing along all night; completely wasted, they end up having a one night stand. Ben does not use condom and eight weeks later, Allison discovers that she is pregnant. She calls Ben and they decide to try to stay together and have the baby. However, Ben needs to grow-up first to raise a family of his own.
Knocked Up - DVD Rip By Haunting Summer

资源名:Knocked Up - DVD Rip By Haunting Summer




资源名:Knocked Up - DVD Rip By Haunting Summer
