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在阴森恐怖令人谈之色变的幽灵森林深处,耸立着一幢巍峨庄严的古堡。这里的主人正是声名显赫的吸血鬼德古拉(亚当·桑德勒 Adam Sandler 配音)。与传说中不同,德古拉是一个无比温柔的好爸爸,他独自抚养爱女梅菲丝(赛琳娜·戈麦斯 Selena Gomez 配音),为了保护女儿免遭人类的戕害,而特意修建了这座名为尖叫旅社的城堡,普通人类绝对无法接近这里。每年梅菲丝生日之际,科学怪人、狼人、木乃伊、隐形人等怪物都从世界各地赶来为小女孩庆生。在梅菲丝118岁生日之际,她渴望见识外面的世界,早有准备的德古拉设下骗局,却意外将人类少年乔纳森(安迪·萨姆伯格 Andy Samberg 配音)引入古堡。   乔纳森的到来似乎为怪物世界带来一股全新的气息,德古拉伯爵则不得不费尽心机隐藏他是人类的真相……In 1895, Dracula builds a resort in Transylvania, hidden from the humans, to raise his beloved daughter Mavis in a safe environment. In the present, the place is the Hotel Transylvania, where monsters bring their families to vacation far from the frightening humans. Dracula invites his friends - Frankenstein and his wife Eunice; Wayne and Wanda, the werewolves; Griffin, the invisible man; Murray, the mummy; Bigfoot, among others - to celebrate the 118th birthday of Mavis. When the party is ready to start, the 21-year-old Jonathan is walking through the forest and stumbles upon the hotel. Dracula sees Jonathan and disguises him as a monster to hide Jonathan from the guests. But Mavis also sees Jonathan and Dracula forces him to pose as a monster. Soon Mavis believes that Jonathan is the "zing" of her life despite the advice of her father about humans.



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